Dance Etiquettes
- Cabeceo is highly encouraged (not “verba-ceo’, ‘talka-ceo’, ‘stare-ceo’, ‘in-yo-faceo’, ‘tappin-on-the-shoulder-ceo’, ‘sneak-from-behind-eceo’….none of that).
- If your cabeceo is not accepted, move on and maybe try at a later time. If you think she/he saw you trying, you’re probably right he/she did, but politely declined. Please do not keep insisting and making her/him uncomfortable and awkward…move on.
- Austin Tango Marathon role-balanced (Not gender-balanced). There will be many switch-role and non-gender conforming dancers. Keep that in mind when you look for your next tanda.
- Leaders, please walk up to and escort the follower onto the floor…not the other way around.
- Ask an oncoming couple for permission to enter before you step onto the dance floor (by making an eye contact). Just because there’s enough room for you to squeeze in, doesn’t mean you should. On the flip side, if you’re already in the dancing lane, pay attention to anyone asking for your permission to enter the ronda.
- There will be four entry points clearlymarked (only entry points). You will be required to enter through those points…not stepping over a chair or squeezing through someone’s table.
- Please pick a lane once you enter the ronda and stay in your lane until the tanda concludes (most likely, there will be 2-3 lanes).
- No dancing in the middle of the floor (no one is there for your performance). If you’re not making four corners, you’re dancing in the middle in a straight line back and forth. Please don’t.
- Be mindful of the couple in front of you (don’t crowd their space) and behind you (move forward along the line of dance not backward).
- Avoid standing in the lane to have an extended conversation and hold up the ronda. Take the conversation to the sideline.
- No dangerous moves on a crowded floor (keep those feet and heelson the floor).
- See the illustration below for reference.
*Reminder: No one owes anyone a dance. Nor does he/she owe you an explanation why he/she doesn’t accept your invitation. On the same token, just because you don’t want to dance with someone, it doesn’t mean that you have to avoid the person altogether on/off the dance floor. It’s ok (and only right) to at least acknowledge everyone you see at Austin Tango Marathon. Let’s please have this understanding and be pleasant, respectful, and kind to each other.
**Please report any issues with etiquette promptly to the organizer or staff.